Monday, April 28, 2014

Life as we know BUSY.

I have been busy with art classes and applying what I have learned to my painting. Here is the last few paintings fresh of the easel.
 Alberta Wildrose
on Canvas
In this painting I was applying the color theory I learned in an art class with Tammy Taylor. And I think it worked well. It has enough tonal and hue value to make it interesting.

Brown-Eyed Susan
1*2 Feet
Oil on Canvas

In the Brown-Eyed Susan I applied the color theory I learned from Sharon Hazen. I was also introduced to complex composition called the Golden Means.I had fun with it.
These paintings were painted with a brush in stead of a painting knife. I figured out a way to keep my brushes useful without spending a lot of time cleaning them. Cleaning brushes are my nemesis.

I also signed up for The Whyte Ave Art Walk again this year. Can not wait!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Untitled African Landscape

Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

So how long does it take to paint a landscape?

Well, very, very long if you decide to attempt a more realistic landscape painting for the first time. And to make it even more of challenge, paint it on a 2*4 feet canvas. So, I started this painting last spring (May/June) and after quite a bit of repainting and some more layers. Some technique building such as painting clouds, trees and grass. It is done.

But I do not know what title to give it? If you look at the landscape, it is a picture of Wildebeest migrating at sunset. When you look at the clouds, you will notice that they look like clouds that hang around after a thunder storm. So imagine that there was a late afternoon thunderstorm. The wildebeest waited it out and now that it has cleared, they are moving on in the last few minutes of sunlight. The sun is very low. It is reflecting yellow on the bottom of the clouds and shiny reflections of the side of the trees and wildebeest. Now you know the setting and maybe you can help me to title it by leaving a comment.

Thank you so much for looking at my art and if you leave a comment thank you again. This painting is done. What a relief!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chickadee and Willow

Chickadee and Willow
Oil on Wrapped Canvas
63" by 23"

As we are all eagerly waiting for spring, the first clue that it is coming, is the color change in the willows. It turns from a bland grey, to blazing red and sometimes yellow. To me it is just the prettiest sight! It promises that spring is on its way! But do not be fooled. These willows can bloom in temperatures as low as -25C. It is almost as if they are saying: " I have been waiting long enough for spring. It is - 25C, I do not care! I am blooming!" So even if they are promising spring it can still get pretty cold. I think that is pretty amazing.

Another thing that is really cool about nature in Central Alberta is the fact that the Chickadees stick around summer and winter. It can be -30C and these little birds will be flying around outside, when most other birds have left. Their little chirps are heard through the cold snowy days to remind us that all is well.

So here is my tribute to the Willow and the Chickadee. May the willow tease our visual senses soon!
And may the Chickadee, keep on chirping to bring life to our ears!

Happy New Year (by the way)


Friday, September 21, 2012

Oregon Grapes AKA. The amazing "Blue Berry" Painting

Oregon Grapes
Oil on Canvas
3*4' (yes, feet)

As previously mentioned in my Art Walk Wrap Up Post that this painting drew a lot of attention. And was known as the Blue Berry Painting. I just nodded and said "yes". (It is not polite to correct people when it is obviously blue and have berries on it.:) Maybe a British Columbia crowd would have gotten it right of the bat.)

Well, let me explain. This painting has been hanging on my wall for a couple years now and it never quite worked. I did not like the background so before Art Walk decided that enough was enough, I am tired of looking at this thing on my wall. It needs to be fixed!

So then Viola! I repainted the background by looking at the original picture again. And then everything just fell in place.

What is so unique about this painting is the color use. Here I had to make the blue grapes pop out to the fore ground and make the red stem recede in the background. So what is so special about it? Well, blue is a cool color and usually recedes or pull back in to the painting. In contrast red a warm color usually pop out of the picture and I had to reverse it. To explain better you can look at this post where I was also playing with color temperature goofiness.

Last but not least, here is a picture of blue berries on the bush for future reference ;)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Butterfly and Brown Eyed Susan

Butterfly and Brown Eyed Susan.
Oil on Canvas

This was the painting I was working on at Art Walk. My neighbor was watching as I painted and really enjoyed it. She just had to have it.:)
So, if you like it and wanted something similar please do not hesitate to speak up. I will gladly paint something similar for you.

(I apologize for the quality of the picture. My camera died and all that I had to my disposal was my Phone Camera)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Wrap-Up Whyte

So the Whyte Ave Art Walk was this past weekend. Like I said before, there were over 300 Artists, the event ran for three days and one basically need all three days to check out all the artists. In the picture above you can see my display of art. I was on a corner of a street just off of Whyte Ave. This means that people could check out my art all the way from across the intersection. And my "Blue Berry Painting" as almost everybody called it was drawing a lot of attention.

On Saturday every 20 minutes was heard something like "Wow! Look at those Blue Berries!" More about this amazing painting later... 

My Black and White Photographic prints drew some attention as well.. Every body that I discussed them with agreed that there are something mysterious about hand printed Black and Whites. The subject matter of my Prints were not necessarily something the patrons identified with (South African Landscape) but they appreciated them.

In short I think that Art Walk was great experience. I got to meet more artists, learn more about what kind of art interests people. And got a lot of exposure. I think you will see me at the Art Walk again next year. But in a more shady spot.

Thank you to all of those who organized this event it was very well organized. I am impressed. And thank you to all of those who came out to appreciate art. And naturally a big thanks to my support system of lovely family and fabulous friends!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Whyte Ave Art Walk 2012

Come see me at the Whyte Ave Art Walk. You will be able to find me and my art next to Continental Treat (105str) on Friday and Saturday. I will be showcasing my florals, some fruits, some trees and my Black and White Photographic prints.

This year there are 380 artists participating. So when you make it out, be prepared with a good pair of walking shoes and water!

Come on out for a great day!