Saturday, October 20, 2012


 So, it seems that summer and fall is 'the time' to take portraits. Mostly because we are surrounded by a lush green in the summer, and in the fall a various array of yellow and brown. Recently, I have had the privilege to expose some of my dear friends to the eye of my new camera. Which I am thoroughly enjoying! ;)
First, we had the Grobelaars over for a visit; we took them for a little walk around our property. Here are two selections of this photo shoot, of many other pictures. It seems that the more kids a family have the more pictures there tend to be in the end.

Then Nelly and her family asked me to come to their house for a quick photo shoot. And by quick I mean QUICK. They were already dressed-up, to leave for a birthday party when I zipped over before they got in their vehicle to take their pics. It was also pretty cold and windy at the time but I think it was successful all together.

So that is what I have been up to lately. Not much painting.... But lets say "No News, is Good News!" ;)

Until next time!
